Pay To Ride Program

Eligibility: USD 464 offers Pay To Ride transportation on a first-come, first-served basis to students living within 2.5 miles of their school as long as space is available; Pay To Ride is not available to those living in certain areas (see below). According to state policies, eligibility to participate is based on a student’s legal residential address, not on the location from which they usually board the bus; students must board the bus at the nearest established stop. Students must be registered with the USD 464 Transportation Department by their parents/guardians and fees must be paid before transportation may begin.

Out-of-district students may pay to ride the bus on the same basis if space is available on existing routes. They must board the bus at the nearest stop within the boundaries of the district. Priority for transportation services is given to students residing within USD 464 boundaries.

Fees: The fee for Pay To Ride is $200 per student per semester, with a family cap of $400 per semester. Students who live within the district and have applied, qualified, and been approved to participate in the reduced lunch program will pay the reduced rate of $75 per student per semester, with a family cap of $150 per semester. Students who live within the district and have applied, qualified, and been approved to participate in the free lunch program will receive free bus transportation.

The fee is the same whether students ride the bus one way or both ways, regardless of how many times they ride. Students may cancel with no additional fees if they move from the district. Fees are due with enrollment; students will not be eligible to ride until fees are paid. Fees may be paid in full for the entire year or paid each semester and are subject to change. There is a fee of $25 for any check returned for insufficient funds.

Students are not eligible for Pay To Ride if they live inside the following boundaries:

  • 24/40 Highway

  • 14th Street

  • West Street

  • East Street