🎉 Huge shout out to our amazing January Students of the Month! 🏆 Your hard work, kindness, and dedication make TES shine. Keep being awesome! #tongienation #usd464
about 1 month ago, Matthew Bowers
K-2 students of the month
3-5 and Specials Students of the Month
Earlier this month, several TES third and fourth grade students attended a KU women's basketball game as part of their participation in the Tonganoxie Rec Commission's youth basketball program. They got to scrimmage at halftime and meet some of the players after game!
about 1 month ago, Jessica Jeffery
Mrs. Spencer's kindergarten class has enjoyed the beautiful weather during recess this week! #tongienation #usd464
about 1 month ago, Kelcie Spencer
Kids playing at recess
Kids playing at recess
Kids playing at recess
Kids playing at recess
Kids playing at recess
Kids playing at recess
Kids playing at recess
Kids playing at recess
Kids playing at recess
Congratulations to Charleigh302, a talented TES fifth grader and proud student of Mrs. Lawson's art class! She has been selected as a finalist for Artsonia’s Artist of the Week in the Grades 4-6 category! Show your support by casting your vote for Charleigh302! 🗳️ Simply visit Artsonia’s website, navigate to the Grades 4-6 section, and check out all the amazing submissions. Voting closes on Saturday, February 1, so don’t wait—help Charleigh302 shine! ✨🎉 #tongienation #usd464 https://www.artsonia.com/museum/aotw/vote.asp
about 1 month ago, Amy Lawson, TES
Mrs. Lawson's first graders & kindergarteners recently explored found object printmaking! Inspired by the story "Snowmen at Night," students used bubble wrap, cardboard & caps to make snowmen. ☃️☃️☃️ #tongienation #usd464
about 1 month ago, Amy Lawson, TES
found objects
bubble wrap
what a interesting nose
Oh, outdoor recess, how we've missed you! #tongienation #usd464
about 1 month ago, Matthew Bowers
outdoor recess
outdoor recess
outdoor recess
outdoor recess
In October, OFG Financial and KNEA held their annual Ubenefit grant contest. This contest awards $100 grants to 100 Kansas educators and support professionals. TES had two lucky winners this year, kindergarten teacher Madelyn DeKeyser and paraeducator Suzanne Hartford! #tongienation #usd464
about 1 month ago, USD 464
three women with Madelyn in the middle holding her certificate
three women with Suzanne in the middle holding her certificate
🚴‍♂️ NED's Resiliency Ride rolls into TES on Jan. 30! 🎉 Students will enjoy stories, humor, illusions, & epic yo-yo tricks while learning to Never give up, Encourage others, & Do your best! 🎯 Yo-yos will be for sale Jan. 31-Feb. 6. 🪀 Details coming soon! #NEDAssembly #TES
about 1 month ago, Matthew Bowers
NED Logo
Mrs. Lawson's kindergarteners have started learning about ceramics and working with clay, beginning with air dry clay. Students had fun exploring with clay as they practiced making pinch pots! #tongienation #usd464
about 1 month ago, Amy Lawson, TES
clay fun
long snake
he’s wearing a clay necklace
helping each other
Mrs. Lawson's third grade art classes have been learning about printmaking! Students learned about the various types of printmaking and then made and printed their own relief stamps. This unit promoted the studio habit of "Stretch & Explore." #tongienation #usd464
about 1 month ago, Amy Lawson, TES
Willow 3P
Jocelyn 3L
Georgia 3A
Avery 3P
Ella 3L
Connor 3L
K-2 art students have been been working on flower, umbrella, & turtle color wheels, learning what our primary & secondary colors are and what order they go in, and mixing the secondary colors with the primaries! 🌸☂️🐢 #tongienation #usd464
about 1 month ago, Felicia Dombeck
second graders mixing primary colors to make a complete color wheel
first grade girls going over their pencil line drawings with a sharpie
first grade boy going over their pencil lines with a sharpie
first grade girls going over their pencil lines with a sharpie
first grade boy going over their pencil lines with a sharpie
second graders mixing primary colors to make a complete color wheel
second graders mixing primary colors to make a complete color wheel
second graders mixing primary colors to make a complete color wheel
second graders mixing primary colors to make a complete color wheel
first grade girl going over their pencil lines with a sharpie
Kindergartners are starting their clay unit at TES! First up was working with Model Magic to make a ball, a coil, & a slab. They were so excited to take their clay home, but they've got homework to exercise those hands to prepare for the REAL clay next time! #tongienation #usd464
about 1 month ago, Felicia Dombeck
kindergarten girls holding up their model magic flowers
kindergarten girl holding her model magic flower
kindergartners hand holing red model magic flower
kindergarten boy working on his white model magic flower
kindergarten boy working in making a white model magic flower
kindergarten girl holding her white model magic flower
kindergarten boy holding his cool of blue model magic
It's 5th Grade Spelling Bee day!!! Congratulations to our winner, Lealynn, and runner-up Emmy! #tongienation #usd464
about 1 month ago, Matthew Bowers
spelling bee contestants
spelling bee winner and runner up
speaking bee winner and friends
storing bee winner with her teacher
Senior Josy Blake comes to Mrs. Olsen’s fourth grade class every day during math. She was crowned queen last Saturday at the THS winter royalty dance. We love Josy! 👑👑👑 #tes #tongienation #usd464
about 1 month ago, Amy Olsen
Senior Josy Blake comes to Mrs. Olsen’s class everyday during math. She was crowned queen last Saturday at the THS winter royalty dance.
Congratulations to one of our amazing kindergarten teachers, Mrs. Kelcie Spencer! Mrs. Spencer was recognized as the elementary winner of the Smart/Maher VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher Award by the Tonganoxie VFW. Well deserved, Mrs. Spencer! #tongienation #usd464
about 1 month ago, Matthew Bowers
Mrs. Spencer receiving her VFW teacher award
Mrs. Spencer receiving her VFW teacher award
Mrs. Spencer receiving her VFW teacher award
Mrs. Spencer receiving her VFW teacher award
Mrs. Spencer receiving her VFW teacher award
Mrs. Albrecht's third graders built barometers today! Using mason jars, balloons, straws, & paper, they explored how air pressure varies in different parts of their classroom. Students will monitor their barometers through next week to see how the air pressure changes. #tongienation #usd464
about 2 months ago, Alexis Albrecht
Students posing with their barometer
Students posing with their barometer
Students posing with their barometer
Students posing with their barometer
Students posing with their barometer
Our Building Leadership Team is hard at work strategic planning and shaping the vision for our bright future! Members are creating goals that inspire growth, collaboration, and success for every student. #tongienation #uds464
about 2 months ago, Matthew Bowers
BLT working on strategic plan
BLT working on strategic plan
BLT working on strategic plan
BLT working on strategic plan
BLT working on strategic plan
Braves Support Period is in full swing at TES, providing tailored, walk-to-intervention sessions designed to meet the unique learning needs of each student. This initiative focuses on delivering individualized instruction to all K-2 students. Students from various classrooms come together in small groups to receive targeted instruction that hones in on specific skills, ensuring every child gets the support they need to thrive! ❤️🤍 #tongienation #usd464
about 2 months ago, Shannon Harrelson
students sitting
students learning
students sitting
students sitting
students learning
students in line
teacher excited
Kindergarten students in Mrs. DeKeyser's class practiced reading with a partner today! Learning to blend and manipulate sounds to read words is something they practice every day. Mrs. D loves watching these emerging readers grow their brains! 📚 #tongienation #usd464
about 2 months ago, Madelyn Lewis DeKeyser
Students reading together
Students reading together
Students reading together
Students reading together
Students reading together
Students reading together
Students reading together
Tonganoxie USD 464 will be closed on Friday, January 10, 2025. Continued inclement weather has made it unsafe to transport students to school. All district schools and buildings are closed. Per our inclement weather policies, all morning practices are cancelled. Decisions regarding afternoon practices will be made by noon and communicated by coaches accordingly. Please be safe and stay warm. ☃️☃️☃️ #tongienation #usd464
about 2 months ago, USD 464
snow man wearing red hat